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since July 2014

A collection of slotracing material from the past.

Chassis from the past Photos of slotracing chassis from the past.
Lisa Trophy 1973 Photos from the race at LISA Ring in Linköping.
Raoul's stuff Some of Raoul Rågvall's cars and parts.
Design by Harrysson Chassis by Lars Harrysson.
The Thomas Hansson Collection Thomas Hansson's collection of chassis.
The Torgny Nordgren Collection Slotracing stuff from Torgny Nordgren.
The Fälthammar Collection Photos taken by Göran and Anders Fälthammar.
The Mr Berra Collection Photos taken by Berra Ljungdahl.
World Championship 1978 Memories from the very first Worlds in Sweden.
B-I Petersson's U.S. Magazines Some MRJ, MAR and Car Model from his collection.
B-I Petersson's "Miniracing" Swedish slotracing magazine 1973-1974.