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since July 2014

We miss quite a lot of results. If you have any that we don't have - please send them to:

The Year by Year-results are mainly from Swedish races, but all the international results are in there too.

(Lists marked with a star have recently been updated. Star will be taken away after one month.)

All races sorted by year: Year by year
International races:
World Championship   (1978 - 2025)
European Championship   (1970 - 2025)
ISRA World Championship   (1997 - 2025)
ISRA European Championship   (2005 - 2025)
Scandinavian Masters   (2010 - 2025)
German Open   (2007 - 2025)
Swedish races:
Gothenburg 1000   (1972 - 2025)
GO-69 6 hours   (1987 - 2025)
1/32 Nats Stenungsund   (1989 - 2025)
Sveslot SM   (2017 - 2025)

SM (Swedish Championship)   (1966 - 1993)
RM (National Championship)   (1972 - 2006)
RL Nats Mönsterås   (1987 - 2003)
Swedish Masters   (2005 - 2009)
Sweden Open   (2011 - 2016)
Saloon Cup   (1998 - 2016)
ISRA Cup   (2007 - 2016)
Open 12 Cup   (2012 - 2015)